19th May update
The first significant piece of work for my new role was to attend the ISO CASCO plenary meeting in Vancouver, Canada from the 24 – 28 April 2017.
The main meetings I attended were:
- Chairman’s Policy and Coordination Group
- Strategic Alliance and Regulatory group
- The Plenary meeting itself
- A ‘Growing the Services Industry workshop’
At this stage there isn’t much news on how the role will contribute to effective third party certification of quality management systems, this will develop over time. What is apparent to me is there are lots of good people working hard to improve standards, processes and the system as a whole.
There is, however, a lot of misunderstanding of what good certification to ISO 9001 looks like and the best way of getting there.
With that little teaser I’ll leave you. 🙂
Original announcement
As announced earlier on LinkedIn I’m delighted to announce that, following a resolution at TC 176’s closing plenary in Rotterdam at the beginning of this month, I have been appointed as TC 176‘s liaison with ISO/CASCO to support improved assessment and certification to ISO 9001 by 3rd party certification bodies.
Lots of fascinating work ahead, I feel. Please feel free to register and comment.
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